Sunday, July 24, 2005

Something for the foodies

Are you one of those lovers of hummus that insists on making it the authentic way with tahineh**? Do you find that after using a tablespoon or so of tahineh for your batch of hummus that the tahineh just sits lonely like in the cupboard or fridge until it's time to make some more hummus? Have you ever wondered to yourself what the heck tahineh is good for besides making hummus? Well folks, let me tell you I have found a FANTASTIC way to use up that tahineh. Somewhere in some airport on my way back to Korea last month, I picked up a cheap little mag called 'Everyday Food'. This issue has a featurette on tahineh. Of course there's the obligatory hummus recipe, but there's another recipe for a dressing which is just so good I've dressed almost everything in my fridge with it (salads, rice, fish, grilled veggies) though the suggested pairing is with a cucumber and tomato salad.
Here's how it goes:

1/2 cup tahini (well stirred)
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (or bottled but use a little less)
1/2 cup cold water
1/4 teaspoon chopped garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper

Blend it up and put it on anything and everything edible!

** sometimes spelled 'tahini', tahineh is a thick, creamy, sesame paste found mainly in Middle Eastern cuisines.


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