Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It's love at first bite

I recently saw an amusing website called the Gallery of Regrettable Food. It catalogues old cookbooks, highlighting the photographs and artwork which tend to make the food look almost completely inedible. Particulary inspiring was a cookbook devoted to meat.
This brought to mind a commercial I'd seen on TV not long ago: it was a commercial for Spam, and I don't mean unwanted emails soliciting porn or viagra.
Spam is in fact still quite popular in Korea. If you look closely at this ad, you'll notice the price is 85,900 won, or at current exchange rates about $90 CAD. You may thinking to yourself, 'That must be some gold-plated can of Spam'. (not)Suprisingly the price pertains to quantity, not quality. This is ad is for a gift set of spam - 24 cans! You're boss will be thrilled with this timeless gift!


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