Land's End - conclusion
Our last day in Land's End we'd hoped to go aboard Captain's ship, but it needed repairs so instead we wandered around the village.

Here's a kinda neat reflective shot of us adventurers:

Unfortunately around sundown these glorious open roads ceased to be as we were returning to Busan on one of the days most notorious for traffic jams - the second last day of Korean Thanksgiving. Shortly after getting on the expressway we hit a dense wall of traffic and moved at less than a crawl for several hours. Finally around 11:30pm we couldn't take it any more, exited and found a hotel. We crashed for a few hours then were back in the car around 6:00am. Though the roads were no longer blocked, they were by no means free of traffic. We rolled into Busan around 8am and figured that around noon the roads were likely back to their chock-o'-block state.
Note to self: never EVER travel by car on Chuseok ever again!!!
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