Shopping List

In a blatant effort to procrastinate, here's my shopping list! This is the list for 'Mega Mart', the very big grocery/everthing store I go to once every few weeks. It's where I buy primarily 'Western' products, but occasionally a few other things make it on the list. I was just wondering if my shopping lists have changed much from when I used to live in Canada. I guess the main thing here is that I sometimes write items in Korean. Trying to figure out why I do it with some words only, I think word length is one of the deciding factors. That is, if it's shorter to write in Korean I will do so. Examples: 빵 = bread, 닭 = chicken, 오이 = cucumber. Exceptions: 생강 = ginger. No difference in word length there, think I just like the Korean word. 미역 = brown seaweed. The one really Korean item on my list. I use the Korean word cause 'brown seaweed' sounds stupid. I love this stuff. I make what is effectively salad with it and eat it all the time. Any other weird stuff you notice here? One bummer discovery when I actually went to fill this order - Parmesean (a la Kraft) is now over 8000 (~$9.00) per container. Yeouch.
I love it.
Hey, Anne, this is Woojin (was I nick? ^0^)
I haven't been here for a long time
and I've just got here incidetally and surprised that your Korean writing is brilliant! I know you've been living here for many years now, but I've never heard you speaking Korean, so quite impressed anyway.
I'm going to London next month and staying for a couple of months, typical journey, and I'm almost ready for gigging before I leave, but not sure I can make it.
Life is heavy thesedays, wish me luck.cheers.
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